Are your staff driving you crazy?
Nine times out of ten when our phone rings, it's for assistance to fire an employee because the business owner has had enough. Wouldn't it be great if you never got to that stage, and had highly functioning, productive employees, adding value to your bottom line?
How you ask?
The overwhelming feedback from exiting staff, as to why they have disengaged from their employer is lack of role clarity, and poor workplace communication. To take it a step further, they say they didn't know what was expected of them. This, of course, then led to performance issues, which led to the employer having to find the time to conduct the performance conversation, which, by that point, typically didn't go well, with either am employee being fired, or resigning, mainly because the relationship had been in a downward spiral for some time.
The result
A big $ hit to the bottom line, you scrambling to get the work done, and clients getting frustrated with poor service while you recruit and train a new employee. Meanwhile, the tense atmosphere starts to disengage the other staff.
This can be avoided
With well drafted job ads, position descriptions (PDs), employment contracts and clear workplace policies, everyone knows from the beginning, what is expected. While that sounds like a lot of time, cost and work, it is far less timely, and less costly, than losing, and then having to replace, a current employee. For assistance with these matters contact an HR expert.